Proximity Doping for Silicon Solar Cell Structures

Invention Summary:

In the photovoltaics industry it is pertinent to have high efficiency solar cells and polysilicon (poly-Si) junctions are at the forefront of the technology. Poly-Si junctions are doped polycrystalline silicon/ SiO2 junctions that incorporate passivated contacts that reduce the loss in efficiency compared to metal-silicon contacts.

Rutgers researchers have developed a new process to create high purity doped poly-Si junctions through a clever combination of Spin-On Dopant (SOD) and proximity doping, resulting in clean, hydrophobic surface, and controllable dopant concentrations for high performance Si PV devices. This procedure is also a route to creating high purity, uniform, poly-Si layers without the use of toxic, flammable, and hazardous gases using maximum material for increased safety and reduced fabrication costs. 

Market Applications:

  • Solar cell architecture
  • Semiconductors


  • Non-toxic
  • Economic throughput of materials
  • Easily adoptable
  • High deposition rates
  • Scalable

Intellectual Property & Development Status: Provisional patent application filed, patent pending. Available for licensing and/or search collaboration. For any business development and other collaborative partnerships contact:

Patent Information: