david+salas+de+la+cruz - Available Technologies | Rutgers University Innovation Ventures

Search Results - david+salas+de+la+cruz

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Novel Sargassum-Based Polymer Composite Filaments for 3D Printing
​ Figure 1: Examples of prints made with Sargassum loaded filament ​ Invention Summary: As a direct effect of ocean warming and nutrient enrichment, tons of brown macroalgae known as sargassum, have been accumulating on shores throughout the Caribbean Sea, Florida, Mexico, and the Bahamas since 2011. These unprecedented annual events have...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Salas De La Cruz, Omar Movil-Cabrera
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Ag Biotech, Technology Classifications > Agriculture, Technology Classifications > Biomaterials, Technology Classifications > Consumer & Household Goods, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials
Flexible Electronics and Sensors from Ion-Containing Polysaccharides
Top - The initial shape-fixing ratio of the cellulose polymer. Bottom- The shape-recovery ratio of the cellulose polymer after one week at room temperature. Invention Summary: Sustainable materials have become attractive to reduce carbon footprint. Cellulose is a biobased material that is renewable and economical. Recent discoveries...
Published: 6/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Salas De La Cruz, Kevin Miller
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Biomaterials, Technology Classifications > Electronics/Semiconductor, Technology Classifications > Energy & Battery, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Sensors
Fine-Tune Cellulose Crystals in Biocomposites
Morphology change from crystalline (I. Pure Cellulose) to amorphous (III. coagulated in water) or semi-crystalline (IV. coagulated in H2O2) Invention Summary: Natural materials such as cellulose or silk can be used in a multitude of applications such as electrolyte batteries, filters, drug delivery systems and scaffolds for tissue engineering....
Published: 6/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Salas De La Cruz, Xiao Hu, Stacy Love, David Verrill
Keywords(s): Biomaterials, Chemical and petrochemical industry, Membranes, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Polymers/Composites/Materials