technology+classifications+%3e+artificial+intelligence+%26+machine+learning - Available Technologies | Rutgers University Innovation Ventures

Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+artificial+intelligence+%26+machine+learning

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Low-cost pipeline for assessing tissue remodeling and fibrosis using ultrasound
Cardiac Ultrasound Fingerprinting is an approach for high throughput extraction of myocardial features Invention Summary: Tissue characterization of myocardial pathology has been an area of intense research and development due to the rising incidence of cardiovascular conditions and the growing geriatric population globally. Although Cardiac Magnetic...
Published: 5/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Partho Sengupta
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
Standardized Individual Pain Assessment Tool
A pipeline for utilizing facial, motor, and cardiac signals to measure an individual’s pain threshold Invention Summary: Self‐reporting of a person’s subjective level of pain is highly variable. This is due to individual differences in the way human beings experience pain. At present, no objective physiological scale of pain exists...
Published: 5/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Elizabeth Torres, Mona Elsayed
Keywords(s): Autism
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright
IntelliGenes: AI/ML pipeline for biomarker discovery and patient diagnosis
​ ​ A pipeline combining classical statistics and machine learning algorithms is used to identify disease-associated biomarkers and predict disease risk Invention Summary: Gene Expression Analysis and Genome‐wide association studies provide an unprecedented understanding of the genetic basis of human disease by uncovering millions of loci...
Published: 7/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Zeeshan Ahmed
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
Decentralized, Privacy-preserving Navigation Recommendation System
se; } ​ The recommendation system provides a proactive and personalized route for a user’s movement indoors or outdoors. Invention Summary: Contact tracing has been shown to be an effective disease control measure and a key strategy for preventing further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, smartphone contact tracing tools have...
Published: 5/8/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dario Pompili, Saman Aliari Zonouz, Vidyasagar Sadhu
Keywords(s): Wireless
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > COVID-19, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
Communication-efficient Federated Learning NG-RAN Design with Fronthaul Awareness
​ ​ Fig. 1: Structure of federated learning-based NG-RAN algorithm. Invention Summary: Mobile network operators are faced with meeting demands beyond 5G networks, such as opening/virtualizing radio access network (RAN) layers, maintaining privacy, and achieving ultra-low latencies, high data rates, and low operational expenses for data transmission....
Published: 1/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dario Pompili, Chuanneng Sun
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Telecommunications & Networking
Two-Way Knowledge Distillation for Federated Learning
​ The workflow of the Fed2KD framework. Red arrows indicate the knowledge distillation direction. Invention Summary: Current contact tracing reporting platforms for infectious diseases are limited by their reactive nature, centralized approach, use of GPS, and privacy risk due to exchange of user data. Existing federated learning (FL) frameworks...
Published: 4/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Dario Pompili, Chuanneng Sun
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > COVID-19, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms
A Method for Secure and Privacy-Preserving Feature Encoding to Enable Federated Data Augmentation and Input Validation
­ 2-step overview of the method Invention Summary: Predictive analytics are essential for optimizing industrial processes, but distributed sensitive data lacks generalizability, suffers from bias, and can't be gathered centrally. Although federated learning and privacy-preserving methods solve data mining problems, they face scalability...
Published: 4/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jaideep Vaidya, Hafiz Asif, Xinyue Wang, Sitao Min
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright
Method to Detect Suspicious In-Baggage Object Using Commodity WiFi
​ ​ An illustration of the system developed to use WiFi signal to detect objects of different materials. Invention Summary: To help keep consumers safe, airports and many facilities deploy different kinds of screening equipment to scan baggage and other items. Traditional in-baggage suspicious object detection involves either manual examination...
Published: 5/17/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yingying Chen, Chen Wang, Jian Liu, Hongbo Liu, Yan Wang
Keywords(s): Electronics, Sensors & Probes, Wireless
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Physical Sciences & Engineering, Technology Classifications > Telecommunications & Networking, Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
­ Model illustrating synthetic data generation Invention Summary: Developers and analysts often require large, accurately labeled datasets when training AI models, though it can be unrealistically time-consuming and expensive, and in many cases impossible due to privacy and confidentiality, to obtain real-world datasets. Algorithms...
Published: 4/25/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jaideep Vaidya, Hafiz Asif, Xinyue Wang
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright
Tracking Facial Features Using Cluster of Point Distribution Models
Invention Summary: There is a need to address automobile driver alertness and driver fatigue aiding towards safe driving solutions. There is also a demand for higher levels of security to combat any threats to safety of our homes or our nation. Rutgers researchers have developed a technology for real-time tracking of facial feature shapes, and...
Published: 2/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Dimitris Metaxas, Atul Kanaujia
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Software & Algorithms, Technology Classifications > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Technology Classifications > Medical Imaging, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
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