Voltage and Capacity profiles of nanocomposite material containing various weight percent of lithium dihydrogen phosphate exhibiting that specific capacity is exemplary for all the compositions with many compositions achieving >400 mAh/g based on the weight of the entire composite
Invention Summary:
Batteries have become essential compact and high-energy-density power sources for several applications, including electric vehicles, smartphones, manufacturing, grid storage, and many others. As such, the demand for batteries and accompanying technologies is growing exponentially, creating a significant need for a drastic improvement of the energy density of the cells
Rutgers researchers have developed a novel electrode material that improves upon the electrochemical properties of metal fluoride nanocomposites with the addition of phosphate or fluorophosphate species to the composite. The phosphate species have been found to improve the performance of the metal fluoride nanocomposites either through becoming a distributed nanodomain within the composite or inducing the formation of a metal phosphate or fluorophosphate with the host metal of the metal fluoride. The improvements derived from this invention range from improved storage at elevated temperatures to retention of capacity with cycling.
This technology can be bundled with four other related technologies from Dr. Amatucci to create a complete system for fluoride battery technology. The other technologies include:
- Doubles the energy density of batteries compared to state-of-the-art technologies
- Substantially improves the elevated temperature and cycling stability of metal fluoride nano compositions
Market Applications:
- Energy Storage
- Electric Vehicle Batteries
- Consumer Electronics
- Biomedical Applications
Intellectual Property & Development Status: US Patent 8,518,604. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.