RNA-Aptamer-Mediated Base Editing System for Agriculture



Invention Summary:

The CRISPR/Cas system is a powerful tool for precision genetic engineering in organisms including plants. However, the conventional CRISPR technology depends on DSBs which may lead to undesired genetic events such as off-target insertions, deletions, and chromosomal translocations. The Base Editing technology overcomes the requirement of DNA DSBs for gene editing.

Rutgers researchers have developed one of the two base editing platform technologies that allow sequence directed base editing in DNA or RNA. The system utilizes an RNA aptamer designed in the gRNA for recruiting the base editing effector enzyme such as the cytidine deaminase.  

The features of the Rutgers Base Editing technology include:

  1. Strong patent protection, with the foundation patent issued in major markets including US, European Union, China, Japan, and additional patents pending
  2. Proven high efficacy, low to absent off-target effect1
  3. Proven high efficacy for multiplexing base editing2
  4. Modular design allows convenient optimization by mix and match the system components such as Cas proteins and deaminases
  5. Modular design allows orthogonal gene editing, i.e., targeting different sites simultaneously with different effectors all in one cell.

Intellectual Property & Development Status: 

Patents issued in US (11479793), China (108291218), Japan (7044373), and Europe (3322804). Patents pending in other countries. Available for limited licensing and/or research collaboration in plant and agriculture applications. Please contact marketingbd@research.rutgers.edu.


  1. Juan, C. et al. CRISPR Journal. doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2020.0035
  2. https://horizondiscovery.com/-/media/Files/Horizon/resources/Posters/deaminet-poster.pdf

Patent Information:
Ryan Escolin
Licensing Manager, Life Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey