One-Step Exosome Isolation and Detection

Extract and concentrate exosomes immunomagnetically, analyze exosomal miRNA sensitively via metal-enhanced fluorescence effect.

Invention Summary:

Exosomes and their inner contents play critical roles in intercellular communication and signaling.  The use of exosomes as next-generation biomarkers for stem cell differentiation monitoring and disease diagnosis has gained extensive interest in the biomedical research community. Current methods for exosome isolation are limited by large sample volumes and the requirement of specialized methodology (ultracentrifugation, chromatography, precipitation, etc.). Therefore, a simple method for exosome isolation and detection would be highly valuable to the development of next-generation biomarkers.

Rutgers scientists have developed a nanomaterial-based, one-step, platform technology for efficient exosome isolation and identification. This technology addresses the market needs for a simple method for isolating exosomes with high yield and detecting exosome-associated microRNAs with high sensitivity and specificity. This technology can be integrated into an exosome isolation kit for the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer and monitoring various stages of stem cell differentiation.

Market Applications:

  • High yield exosome isolation
  • Monitoring stem cell differentiation
  • in vitro diagnostics, e.g., liquid biopsy


  • One-step isolation of exosome and identification of its tissue of origin with improved yields
  • Isolation of exosome without prior enrichment
  • Capable of stem cell differentiation and cell fate analysis without cell destruction
  • Capable of simple and fast disease diagnosis  

Intellectual Property & Development Status:

Patent pending. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration.


Lee, J. et al. Nondestructive Characterization of Stem Cell Neurogenesis by a Magneto-Plasmonic Nanomaterial-Based Exosomal miRNA Detection. ACS Nano 2019, 13, 8793-8803.

Patent Information:
Licensing Manager:
Brice Kessler
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Business Development:
Eusebio Pires
Senior Manager, Technology Marketing & Business Development
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey