video - Available Technologies | Rutgers University Innovation Ventures

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Nitrous Oxide Sedation for the Dental Team (Video and DVD)
Invention Summary: Nitrous Oxide Sedation for the Dental Team DVD is an instructional video for dental practitioners such as dental hygienists, assistants, dentists and students. The DVD teaches and shows how to monitor Nitrous Oxide Sedation (NOS). Video Content: Dr. Vaishali Singhal created the NOS DVD in response to a lack of supplemental educational...
Published: 3/2/2023   |   Inventor(s): Vaishali Singhal, Matthew Rosenthal
Keywords(s): Video
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Dental, Technology Classifications > Education, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences
Online Instruction in Psychology Laboratory Classes: Cognition, Sensation & Perception Labs
Dr. Eileen Kowler is a Distinguished Professor in the Psychology Department in the Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Maryland in 1978, and joined the Psychology faculty at Rutgers in 1980 after postdoctoral work at New York University. She is also a member of the graduate faculty of Biomedical...
Published: 2/21/2022   |   Inventor(s): Eileen Kowler, Cordelia Aitkin
Keywords(s): Curriculum, Mental Health, Video
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Education
Nutrition Focused Physical Examination & Assessment (NFPE&A)
Summary: Nutrition focused physical examination and assessment (NFPE&A) refers to a head to toe physical examination by a Dietitian to determine signs and symptoms of malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies and factors impacting food and fluid intake and dysphagia risk, including inspection and palpation of the head, neck, mouth, muscle and fat...
Published: 9/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Riva Touger-Decker, Rebecca Brody, Jennifer Tomesko, Diane Radler
Keywords(s): Video
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Software & Copyright, Technology Classifications > Education, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Diagnostics