chih-tsung+lin - Available Technologies | Rutgers University Innovation Ventures

Search Results - chih-tsung+lin

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Treatments for tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections: dual-targeted rifamycin-AAP conjugates (RifaAAPs)
collapse; } ​ Invention Summary: RifaAAPs are novel dual-targeted, low-resistance-emergence, orally-available compounds for treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections--including drug-resistant, multi-drug-resistant (MDR), and extensively-drug-resistant (XDR) strains. Researchers indicate that...
Published: 1/31/2025   |   Inventor(s): Richard Ebright, Yon Ebright, Chih-Tsung Lin
Keywords(s): Antibacterial
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics
​ Invention Summary: RifaAAPs are novel dual-targeted, low-resistance-emergence, orally-available compounds for treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections--including drug-resistant, multi-drug-resistant (MDR), and extensively-drug-resistant (XDR) strains. Researchers indicate that RifaAAPs comprise...
Published: 1/31/2025   |   Inventor(s): Richard Ebright, Yon Ebright, Chih-Tsung Lin
Keywords(s): Antibacterial
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Infectious Disease, Technology Classifications > Healthcare & Life Sciences